Melty Mods is here to upgrade your PSP gaming experience! From Ready-To-Play Preloaded PSP Memory Cards to Melty Mods Approved PSP Consoles.
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R4 Card Information

Melty Mods Ultimate Hits List for DS

Thanks for purchasing a R4 Card from Melty Mods! No set up or modding is required to use this card with your DS Console! These cards are Plug and Play and are compatible with all DS systems including DS, DS Lite, DSi/XL/LL, 2DS, 3DS/XL/LL. Below are some photos and information on how to navigate the directory, change games, and what to do if you are using a console other than a DS / DSlite. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us;

Navigating the Directory:

Once you insert your R4 Card into your console, turn it on! If you are using a DS Console, the card will automatically boot up and you will see this menu. Select the "MicroSD Card option.

Then select the "Games" Folder.

These three folders are where we put the games! We've organized it so you can check out the original games, ROM Hacks, and English Patched / Undubbed games. Each of these folders will have games for you to choose from. You can press the B Button to go back a folder at any time.

Now you can play these DS Classics!

If you are using consoles such as a DSi, 2DS, or 3DS, the R4 card will show up on your menu as the "game cart". Simply select the game cart on your screen to get into the menus that are pictured above. It may look like this on your menu.

Switching Games:
To switch games, you will need to turn your console off to close down the game and turn it back on to get back into the directory.
If you are using a DS console with a Home Button you can select that to close down the software and re-enter it to change games. It may take a moment for the console to close down the software.